Alexi space
I'm >10 years in engineering (web, software, electrical). Much of experience with #TypeScript, #React, #Kubernetes. And other lovely tech: cuelang, tekton, dagger, prisma, rancher, service meshes, wasm, etc.
🦀 Now, my bet is #RustLang, 100%.
In fact, this site is written in rust frontend framework Leptos and runs behind rust proxy Sozu.
Bevy Overture Maps
github.com/alexichepura/bevy_overture_mapsFirst of its kind demo of rendering OvertureMaps in leading rust game engine Bevy
- import from columnar database DuckDB in parquet format
- rendering buildings and transportation segments
- physics and vehicle on map
LAPA Leptos Axum Prisma
github.com/alexichepura/lapaFullstack web dev boilerplate on 100% Rust. With Admin dashboard and SSR/SPA website. Leptos frontend and Axum backend.
Bevy Garage
github.com/alexichepura/bevy_garagePilot rust project. Gamelike car simulation playground. Runs on almost any environment.
Linux, mac, win, wasm, ios, android, xr... The future is now.
❤️ Thanks Bevy! and others!
- wasm demo online
- game engine bevyengine.org
- rigid body physics rapier.rs
- neural networks github.com/coreylowman/dfdx
- api server and client github.com/tokio-rs/axum
- db client github.com/Brendonovich/prisma-client-rust